
2 Minutes

What is BDSM and who should try it

BDSM is a wide range of sexual practices and preferences, where there is no clear answer to the question of who this practice is suitable for. This is an individual choice, and each person has their own preferences, boundaries and comfort zones. However, there are several things that should be considered if you want to try BDSM practices in your usual sex life:

Consent and security. BDSM should be based on the clear consent of all participants who participate in the […]

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4 Minutes

A Journey Into the Genesis of History Education Guidelines

Let’s start with a personal anecdote that seamlessly meshes our theme today. In our university days, my wife Bianca and I were genuine members of a local debate circle. There, we were often immersed in intense exchanges over, you guessed it right, the contours and content of history education guidelines. These debates were so riveting they could easily qualify for a documentary feature—seriously, BBC, give us a call! I still recall the rhetorical jousts that eventually led me to champion […]

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3 Minutes

How to use Kamagra chewable pills to increase erection

Kamagra is a large category of pharmaceuticals that are used to normalize the work of the genitourinary system and normalize the level of potency. Also note that the tablet is available in a wide variety of forms of tablets and one of the most popular can be called chewing tablets. The basis of the tablet is extremely similar to Viagra, so there is no doubt about its high effectiveness. Moreover, Kamagra chewable tablet has a complex effect on the […]

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2 Minutes

Air dryness

In a room with excessively dry air, the nasal mucosa dries up. Capillaries lose their natural elasticity and become brittle. Any tension (for example, ordinary blowing) leads to their damage.

Because of the dry air, there may be a runny nose with blood

Enhanced blowing

This is another fairly common cause of a runny nose with an admixture of blood. If a person is worried about copious discharge, then he wants to blow his nose as best as possible. Such intensive cleansing of […]

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1 Minute
Hair Care

Runny nose with blood — what does it mean?

A runny nose by itself does not indicate severe pathologies. It appears periodically in all people. This symptom indicates a cold. But if there is blood in the nasal discharge, then this phenomenon is alarming. What pathologies can a runny nose with blood talk about? How to act in such a situation?

The main causes of a runny nose with blood

A bloody runny nose can occur as a result of pathological or physiological causes. To understand what is at stake, it […]

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1 Minute

The levels of BV and BPV associated with oxidative stress

Cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer were assessed at baseline and for up to 180 days. The main biomarker studied was NNAL – 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyll)-1-butanol, showing the effects of nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone (associated with lung cancer). In those who continue to smoke, its level remained stable throughout the observation period. In those who switched to the tobacco heating system, the level of NNAL decreased by 33-93%, in those who quit smoking – by 62-98% according to the analysis from the 30th […]

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2 Minutes

Conclusions of the study

The data obtained confirmed that the adverse effect of cigarette smoking on health can be significantly reduced in smokers who completely switch to using a tobacco heating system. So, they reduce the impact of toxic substances compared to continuing smoking, and cause significantly less harm to their body. And in terms of biomarkers of potential harm, switching to heating systems can be comparable to quitting smoking.

The adverse effect of cigarette smoking on health can be significantly reduced in smokers who […]

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2 Minutes
Hair Care

Measures to reduce mortality and harm to the body

Cigarette smoke contains more than 8,700 identified chemicals, many of which may contribute to the development of diseases [6]. Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ESDS) – electronic cigarettes and aerosols of tobacco heating systems (SNT) – are characterized by less release of toxic substances compared to cigarette smoke [7]. The main difference between SNT and cigarettes, which allows us to talk about reduced risks, is the absence of a gorenje process.

One approach to assess the potential health impact of switching to […]

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2 Minutes
Hair Care

Radiofrequency ablation / RF

Catheter ablation is a minimally invasive X–ray surgical procedure for the treatment of tachycardia and arrhythmias using an endovascular catheter. At the same time, radio frequency current or cold is used to destroy the arrhythmogenic substrate.

In our practice, we more often use the method of radiofrequency ablation (RF), which is based on the point effect of the electrode on a site with impaired conductivity, or a source of pathological pulsation.

Radiofrequency ablation of the heart refers to low-risk operations that effectively […]

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1 Minute

Radioiodotherapy for diffuse or nodular toxic goiter

Radioiodotherapy is effective not only in the treatment of thyroid cancer. This method of therapy can effectively replace surgery for diffuse or nodular toxic goiter. Pathologies are characterized by increased hormone production, which causes sweating, palpitations, tremor of the hands and other symptoms that aggravate the human condition.

In such cases, radioiodine therapy is used to destroy areas of the gland that actively produce hormones, thereby causing thyrotoxicosis. Iodine isotopes accumulate in glandular cells and reduce their functional activity, which contributes […]

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